Saturday, May 26, 2012

Brooklyn to Ithaca

Up until a week ago, I was living in Brooklyn as part of a "study abroad" program for school. I was an intern for two amazing companies, took an unforgettable art class, and wandered the streets for falafels, coffee shops, and vintage stores. It was the best five months of my life. 

Before I moved to Brooklyn, I was terrified I would be a lonely loser that got chewed up and spit out by the big city. Gladly, I did not. Instead, I learned more about the world and myself than I have in the past twenty years. This may seem very corny but I want to share some of the things I have learned:

  1. If you want to do something, go do it. 
  2. If someone says no, make them say yes. 
    • One of the internships I had was with my dream company that I had applied to intern for three times until I finally got it.
  3. Do not waste the time of others or yours. There are no excuses to not do great work. 
  4. When you doubt yourself, others will too. 
  5. Everybody was once in the position of being an intern or at entry level job or just lost in life so, they are a lot more accepting than you would think.
  6. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. 
  7. You are never too cool or old to like boy bands or silly internet videos.
  8. Coffee is always a must. And laughter is a great side.  
  9. Whatever you are feeling in the morning before work will probably disappear after you get out.
  10. People are wonderful creatures. 
  11. Vending machines are really awesome.
  12. A notebook should always be in your bag.
  13. You can never ask too many questions.
  14. The Brooklyn Bridge is free therapy.
  15. So is Prospect Park.
  16. Sometimes when you're doing the things you want, people change and it can get lonely but the people who stick around will always stick around. 
  17. Relationships are not a game of tag. Be with someone you are truly happy with that will want to learn about you and what you do.
  18. Brooklyn is where I want to be (at least for a bit).

I want to give the biggest of thank-you's to the people I have met in Manhattan and Brooklyn, especially the people I have worked with over the past months.

But for now I am back to in Ithaca with no skyscrapers in sight and this feels great too. 

P.S  These entries will get more interesting and less sappy. Well, maybe. 

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