Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Page.

When I was an intern at Focus Features, I got to work with people that I will never forget. I believe that they will never actually understand how grateful I am that I had the opportunity to learn from them. The  things that they taught me range from professionalism to personable. One of them was The Page (number two to be exact). First, I want to say that everyone will know The Page soon, probably because she will become the most wonderful publicist in the music industry or because she has simply made the world more beautiful or whimsical This will most likely include the following: transportation by bikes with baskets, lots of twine, rooftops with projectors, Bill Murray as president, records as a form of currency, and the world will look like that antique shop minus the smell. It will most likely be both.

When I left Focus Features, she crafted this beautiful runaway kit as an owe to our devotion to Moonrise Kingdom and my current state of having no idea what to do. My runaway kit is held together by a floral scarf that may or may not have once decorated the neck of an elderly woman on her first date. Inside the scarf holds all the equipment, each with an explanation, that I will need on my travel. These are listed below:

Item: Floral Scarf
Explanation: " you can look gam, even on your worst hair days."

Item: Toot - Hummer
Explanation: "...if you get lost and need to be found"

Item: Postcards from New York & New Jersey
Explanation: "...postcards from your home and your new york home."

Item: A pouch full of a deer caricature, a rock, another rock, and a marble
Explanation: "...some good luck charms to help you on your adventure (a drawing of a heart)"

Item: I (heart) NY deck of cards
Explanation: " case you make some new friends along the way!"

Item: A bottle with a message in it
Explanation: The message in the bottle is accidentally stuck. I am currently searching for tweezers.

In your head you should be imagining the most adorable travel kit to date in all of history. I would post a picture, but she always made up these sweet stories and images for things and I want you to practice doing that. I have been and it has been quite amazing.

Each time I need to write a paper, take a breather and get my creative juices flowing, I unwrap this pack  and reread each note and touch each item.

Thank you The Page #2. Good travels.