Thursday, January 23, 2014

One More Rep

On Monday night, my best friend, Katelyn aka Bucks, and I made a vow to put the wild child in the corner for a bit and trade one more round of beers for one more rep of workouts. I always wanted to live a very healthy lifestyle filled with spinning classes, hiking excursions and killer boot camps. I also really want to spend the summer rocking a Mara Hoffman bikini. So, what better time than now, right? Right!

The first step was trading in my empty refrigerator for shelves filled with vegetables and healthier choices. I've always loved to eat healthy and have a soft spot for all things vegan, but lately I have found myself ordering out bar food and living off mass amounts of pasta. Sorry Seamless, but it's time to close my account. One trip to Trader Joe's and I was on my way to making my refrigerator look like a rainbow. I packed up on brussel sprouts (favorite!), kale, mushrooms, peppers, greek yogurt, nuts, asparagus, eggplant and so many other scrumptious gifts from earth. I also kept some goodies like tons of cheese (now, you know why I'm not still vegan).
Why Local May Be Cheaper Than Organic!  Corporate food companies are selling more and more organic products - but they aren't passing along to consumers savings generated by increased production.

The second step was figuring out how I like to work out and beginning a routine to keep me focus. I have always been a fan of high impact cardio classes such as kickboxing, boot camp and cycling as they keep my mind off of what my body is doing and always have amazing soundtracks. So, I began Insanity for the third time in my life. My college roommates and I accomplished about a month of it and I never felt better and dare I say, looked better. Insanity is very much so insane, but its the type of work out I love with no mercy and even more squats. Beyond Insanity, I plan on incorporating more spinning classes and outdoor runs and hikes to keep boredom away.

The third step was beginning to blog about changing my lifestyle so, I could definitely not whimp out. Although I'm not sure who reads this thing...

1/16/14 - Awesome Spin Class today. #365, #spin, #workout, #joanfordphoto

Additionally, be sure to check out Katelyn's blog here:  Classically Prepped. It's a wonderful sweet and girly lifestyle blog about all things fashion, running and healthy cooking. 

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